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Spinal cord injury

Brad Erlandson

Licensed Professional Counselor, MS, LPC, NCC

Author . Inspirational Speaker . Marathon Handcyclist


A story of hope forged in the face of great trial. Brads story is one unique for todays world. His message is not about the difficulties we face, but what we do when confronted with life and all of its obstacles.

  In 2002 Brads life was shaken by a drunk driver in a head on collision that left his body broken, shattering his back, and left him without the use of his legs. He spent 3 months in the hospital recovering and has been committed to physical therapy ever since, making steps towards regaining a functional physical body. Being a devout Christian since his early 20's, he had questioned why God would allow such a catastrophe to befall him but he never wavered in his faith. He became more vigilant in his search for truth and has since obtained a masters in psychology, authored two books, and has spoken at countless Mothers Against Drunk Driving events.


  What he has come to understand about life has priceless value about what it is to be human and what we are capable of achieving even when the circumstances aren't necessarily in our favor.  Despite his spinal cord injury, Brad has competed in more than 15 marathons as a hand cyclist.


Brads elaborate knowledge in both biblical theology and mental health psychology, along with the wisdom he has gained through overcoming immense struggle, he is able to shed light on confronting and transcending the tremendous heartache we often face in life. His story can guide us on our journey to fullness of life through a shift in our perception and faith in the force that created all life.

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